Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just Another Smoker

Wanita ini lagi asik ngerokok pas gw dan 4 anak gw dateng ke toko di sebrang tempat dia duduk. Lantai 3 Plaza Semanggi. Full AC.

Gw tanya ke pemilik toko tempat anak2 install games DS. Apa emang boleh ngerokok di lantai ini. Katanya nggak bisa. Udara aslik terasa pengap banget.

Dan gw liat Marshall, anak ke2 gw yang alergi asap rokok. Lalu dengan baik2 gw bilang ke cewek ini..

"Mbak, maaf rokoknya mbak. Sampek kerasa pengap kesini. Kasian anak2 saya. Alergi asep rokok. Maaf ya mbak.." sambil senyum.

Dia nggak langsung matiin rokoknya. Dia nanya ke pemilik tokonya sambil masih ngisep rokoknya:

"Emang nggak boleh ya ngerokok disini?"

Kata yg punya toko: sebetulnya nggak boleh.. tapi biarin aja..

Terus si cewek ngeliatin gw. Dan gw liatin balik. Gue liatin terus. Kali ini sambil nggak senyum.

Akhirnya dia matiin rokoknya.

Thank you mbak..
From me,
Emak2 berbintang Leo.
Shio ular..
Lagi menstruasi pulak.
Dan lapar.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Indonesia Bersih versi Marvell

We had this morning talk in the car..

Marvell: mom, ada fotonya Prabowo *nunjuk billboard di pinggir jalan*

Me: yes.. but I'll vote Jokowi.

Marv: No mom.. Jokowi itu harus jadi gubernur Jakarta. Karena jadi presiden itu harus bekerja keras.

Sampai disini gue mikir tumben banget ini anak lagi 'lurus'.. ahahahhaa.. he got this strong opinion pasti dari MaMer a.k.a Mama Mertua gue deeh...

Sampai akhirnya dia lanjut..

Marv: karena jadi presiden harus bikin Indonesia bersih. Harus sapu-sapu halaman, mom...

Pwahahahaa... see? I knew it!! 😂😂😂😂

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Between Life and Death: Happy Bday, Son..

Yes it was..
It was really between life and death when I gave birth of you. The full story is here
But it was sooo worthed compared to what came to my world afterwards.
My son with smart brain. Good-looking. Talented. You almost can do everything. Almost :P
You are our first treasure. The second great creatures that I fell in love with.
You messed my head with huge yearning everytime I went off to work.

You were my first trial and error for my parenting. My motherhood. But you.. it was always you who made those trials came out with success. It was never me, son...

Now.. today.. you're having your 12th birthday. And after all those 12 years.. I never forget every cherish moments we had.

I know I have a great son when you said to me this morning...
"I just want your prayers, ma.. so that I can go to Public School for my Junior High so you don't have to spend much money"..

All I can replied was "amiin.. I love you, Son.. and I'm sorry if I was too hard on you" and held back my tears..

I hope Allah will always guide and protect you, my dear Melvyn..
Keep shining and glowing in your life..
Always be grateful for what you have..
Be humble always as Allah is always there to guide you..

Happy birthday, Son..
And I will make sure you'll read this.

Lotsa love,

Lemonilo di Keluarga Baim Wong

  Baru selesai nonton video Youtubenya Baim Wong dan istrinya Paula. Seneng ya kalo liat ada kesamaan yg dilakukan selebriti dengan kita, r...